I was on a bit of a mission because dark was drawing in and wanted to do both caches on the right side of the river. Weather is still feeling like -50 C and snow covers the land. GC1J8EQ The Mint with the Hole another cache by Busy Lissy Bunch. I have found their caches great to do and a bit of a challenge.
Mint with a Hole GZ was getting dark.
I set off further down the banks of the River Hull to GC1TMQF Rainbow Series: Blue Cache which I found easy but took me a minute or two to get out of the snug hole it was in.
My first of the Rainbow series.
The rainbow cache also brought me to take my first ever trackable! A really cool heart shaped coin that originated from Germany and has travelled about 3500 miles. So all I have to do is move it on. Not sure where but I will do in the next few days.
Here is a picture of the cool trackable.
In total I have done about 4 miles today which is a lot longer than I have walked for ages! Soon I will be up to marathon status!
GC1VAEP - Not Another Busy Bridge I also tried to get this cache again today with extra information from Busy Lissy Bunch. But I fear its been muggled. I have sent pictures to them to see if its true or to see if I am still off!