
Welcome to Fermentum's Geocaching blog. Please feel free to become a follower or comment on any posts.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Geocaching Challenge Day for Fermentum

Tomorrow I have set myself a little challenge.  This is to complete more caches in a day than I have previously.  Now a few of you may be wondering how many is that, well its a massive 4.  Yes just 4.  So tomorrow I am planning to go with Lorna and get at least 5 and raise the bar a little.  I know 5 is nothing compared to most but with 19 finds getting 5 in a day is quite an achievement.

There is a few reasons I wanted to set this little challenge.  And these are as follows:

1) I just bought some really good walking boots today with a little Christmas money from family.  Yeah thats right I am getting all the proper kit and everything now!

2) I really want to get a few miles logged onto the Mileage Competition we are having on GAGB.

3) I have an aim to find 100 caches in the year 2011.  Only 99 to go!  I really want to be able to fulfil this task and have to raise the bar of finds but I thought no need to have something too high.

4) A lose weight and get fit new years resolution.  I know you have probably heard about 50 people say this already but sorry I am another.  Really want to do this and think caching is a good enjoyable way of doing it.

5) I LOVE CACHING!  Okay I haven't got many finds but they are slowly increasing.

I will let you know how it goes in the next update!

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes - I hope that you get out of your day all that you are looking for. I hope to do some caching tomorrow as well, but I will be getting a late start so I may only get in one or two. I do have a couple planned, so hopfully the weather will cooperate and the caches are not too hard to find.
