Got an email from Jacaru this morning saying he misses the updates on my Blog. I have been meaning to post and promise I will start posting a lot more regularly. Thanks to all of my regular readers and thanks for those who have posted comments and become followers.
Not so long ago I went to Fleet on a busniess trip with two work mates and obviously I had to get a cache to add some miles on my GAGB Coin for the fun competition, click HERE for more information on the competition. I introduced them to Geocaching and they where both fascinated by the idea. John took it that step further and is now a keen Geocacher! He has bought a GPS and is now a registered member on
We went out on his first Geocaching adventure the other day with his son and dog and had a great time. In fact we both decided to go because it was the Royal Wedding and we didn't fancy it and thought it would be quite.
So we decided to go onto Rivington, Lancashire, UK and do a few caches there.
Rivington Reservoir showing our finds for the Day.
There was two great series round there. The Muppets which included four muppets and a clue in each to lead to the final. And the second was the Dream team which included an 11 cache series of all time great players throughout the history of football.
So the Muppets included Fozzie, Miss Piggy, Gonzo and Kermit. The caches are great as they cache owner made the caches to look like the characters. We managed to get three of them and will return for the fourth and the final some day.
The Dream Team was a brilliant idea and included players such as Gordon Banks, Bobby Moore, Pele and Diego Maradonna. We managed to get 10 of the 11 and again will be returning to get the other some day.
Rivington Reservoir
The picture doesn't show the weather much but I can tell you it was a fantastic and sunny day. We where out about 4 hours and picked up a record 16 caches and only had 1 DNF which was the 17th of the day. The wedding was over and more and more people where about. We came around the corner and realised we where right near the car park and Going Ape which is a fun thing involving zip lines and tree climbing.
It was great to get out and about and have set myself the task of going caching more because every time I go I enjoy it so much.
Toby having a good shake after swimming after a couple of Ducks.
Good job his lead was on!
I couldn't believe how popular this area was for Cachers. Over 200 logs on most of the caches we did that day. We actually met two lots of Cachers while out and about as well. So hello to roamingbarbarians and also little pea who we stopped to talk to along a memorable journey.
Thanks for reading and I promise to update more often!